Tricia Meadows is a Manufactured Home Community owned and operated by Davis Enterprises and is by far one of the best kept secrets in Mt. Laurel!
Ultimately it will cost you less (after initial purchase price) to own a home in Tricia Meadows than it would for you to rent a 2-bedroom apartment almost anywhere in NJ.
No taxes! Just your monthly lot rent and township fee.
On site management, clubhouse (Perfect for parties and social gatherings),
Swimming pools
Billiard room
All homes have a yard some larger than others. This will allow you to be able to fence in your yard, build on a sunroom, deck etc. (with prior approval).
Have pets? Cats & dogs welcome. We love animals. (2 pets permitted per home)
We pride ourselves in being a peaceful Community where neighbors still wave and offer a lending hand! A MUST SEE for ANYONE looking to: Own their own home, downsize, save money, raise their children in an Amazing school district. The Tricia Meadows Community is Owner Occupied ONLY. Rentals and Sublets Are NOT Permitted in our Development.
Thank You
Dear Karen & Barbara,
Dennis and I wanted to thank you both, and everyone who helped you to plan our wonderful Community Party! The food was very good, the music was relaxing and entertaining and it was so nice to be able to be outdoors with so many of our Tricia Meadows neighbors.
We found a nice place for our beach chairs under some tree shade and right on the edge of the Pond and really enjoyed the serenity of the new fountain. The weather couldn't have been nicer (at least until we were already home and the rain began).
Thank you so much for all your efforts to bring us such a nice opportunity to get together after the tough year we all have been through.
You are both much appreciated.
Thanks again,